Eleebana Shores
With a desire to move away from the coastal styling of the area, this retirement village briefed Casa Interiors to create a sense of luxury and quality in their villas. The sense of luxury was achieved by sourcing fabric covered furniture, artworks in muted tones of grey, and the introduction of pastel colours in the soft furnishings.
With limited natural lighting, reflective surfaces were used to brighten the lounge and dining rooms. By introducing glass, mirrors and crystal vases, a sense of light and elegance was created that helped to sell many of the villas.
"The reflective surfaces add elegance, the fabrics lend a touch of luxury, and the wooden floors provide a lovely sense of warmth."

Enthusiastic, innovative, and always on trend, Simone is an experienced and creative stylist. From colour choice to furnishings and artwork, Simone works closely with you to establish a style direction for your holiday house or display home that will appeal to your desired guests.